Delilah: How do I look?

Delilah in the middle of her haircut……”mom, is this good, or shall I go shorter?”

No more ice!

No need for the heated water buckets until November!

Yard cleanup

After cleaning up from the noreasters and trimming the bushes, we got a full load of brush and 14 wagons of wet leaves out! Yay! Slowly getting cleaned up!

Tuyet Mai is back!

Tuyet Mai is back for lessons!! Good job TM!!

Glad to be home

Saturday was warm enough here in Jersey for shorts. Chevy’s still got a lot of winter fur to get rid of so he got a little warm at his pony party. He’s happy to be home relaxing. Here’s Jenny thanking … Continue reading

Life just got a bit easier!

I finally fired up the farm equipment. Now outside water buckets aren’t such a hassle….

Jack’s fly away tail

Jack needs a bit of conditioner in his tail!

Squatters rights

This guy has now taken over what used to be a fox den. Its a nice house too! (if you’re a borrowing kind of animal)…the ‘back door’ on this thing is about an acre away.

Curious Georges

These two wouldn’t let me walk across the field until they got to see what was in the wheelbarrow (nothing but rocks)….

Getting ready!!

We’ve got some parties to go to!!! Gotta lose this winter coat!!!