SERIOUS truck envy!

Wow! You don’t realize how old your truck is until you have to borrow someone else’s! Thanks Linda and Andy!!! You saved my hide this weekend!

Chevy sneaks a treat

Got hay again this weekend and this load brings us to 100 bales. While I unloaded the truck, Chevy got to sneak a snack!

In the dark

THIS is what I see in the mornings when I feed these days. Ugh. Can’t wait to see the sunrises again!!

Indoor grazing

Since it was POURING on Saturday, I let the horses out in the barn to walk around. Delilah found EVERY stitch of hay there was on the floor!

Crazy weather

The crazy temps here in jersey are making weird scenes all over. This looks like my neighbors driveway is on fire.

Young McDonald had a farm….

Found the boots, now I just have to find the crazy yellow jumper to go with it! Ei, Ei, o!

Dressy Bessy Jack!

The temps here in Jersey have been all over the place lately. We’ve been dressing and redressing horses constantly!! Here’s Jack getting a fresh pair of jammies!

Aw nuts!

When we get enough snow we have to snowblow a path for Maverick. Well, THIS wasn’t supposed to happen! Nothing a trip to Home Depot couldn’t cure. Thanks Shawn!

Horsie snow angels

Here’s Cartwright playing in the snow…

Snuggly warm

Since the barn has 6 nice big heaters in it (horses and ponies), it stays nice and warm. It was 11 degrees out over the weekend, and the water inside the barn barely had ice on it.