Ahhhh…..LOVE that sun!

It’s been VERY cold here in Jersey the past few days. Here are the dogs enjoying the warmth of the sun from inside the house. Awwwww!

We’re rollin’ now!

Apparently rolling in the crusty snow is the THING to do!!! Not MY idea of fun, but I’m glad the animals are enjoying the weather!!!

Bucket head!

Treat time!….alfalfa cubes. I soak the cubes to a wet slop. After serving, I’m left with alfalfa water and Chevy loves it!!! Oh Chevs…you’re the cutest!

Get me outta here!!

Horses have been stuck inside for 2 days cause of the ice. Here’s Cartwright looking around outside while stretching his legs inside where its safe!

Its gotta be done….

Its time to worm everyone. They hate it. But its apple flavored so how can it be THAT bad? (Probably as bad as taking Penicillin as a kid!) Sorry guys!

Joey visits

Here’s Joey on our way to our walk with Bob (so excited!!!) and then afterwards when he gave Bob some Joey luvins!

How many people does it take?

Never good when the doors freeze shut! Almost couldn’t get the manure out!!! Nothing brute force couldn’t cure. Thanks Shawn!

One good thing about snow…

Parts of the horse that are normally the hardest to keep clean, suddenly become the cleanest!

Horse Busy-ness

Lots going on in the barn even when there’s nothing going on in the barn. Jack’s busy being in my way while I’m mucking and Chevy is telling secrets to Cartwright! (he’s actually picking a fight)

Horses don’t iceskate well!

Due to the ice, the horses are on a modified turnout schedule (meaning put them wherever I can find a safe place). Here’s Cartwright saying hello to Jack while he walks around in the barn.