Icicle Pony

Wow!!! Didn’t realize how bad the ice storm was until I went to get the horses. I’m so sorry Delilah!!

Beggin dogs!

Shawn had an audience while he was cooking dinner the other night!

Poor, poor Joey!

Joey was having trouble chewing so we took him for a dental check-up…..well, the teeth he got to KEEP are now clean, but he’s now missing 18 bad molars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor guys mouth is pretty sore!! But that’s why they make such good … Continue reading

Single File kids

Jack and Centanni coming in for dinner. Jack ALWAYS lets Centanni go first. Aw, what a gentleman!

Pony Insulation

Chevy’s winter hair is working!!!

Dog days

Joey all curled up waiting for the snow storm to end this weekend.

New sandbox to play in

Well, Cartwright is consistently making the most of the fresh snow!! To him, its the world’s best horsie sandbox???? IDK….

Steamin’ poop!

While everything else is frozen solid….not the manure pile!!!! Steamin hot!

OMG its cold out there!!!!

Thermometer said -2 this morning. Gotta keep the horses warm in these temps!! Here’s Patty all bundled up!

Master shoveler

I have so much experience shoveling that I figure I must have mastered it by now, right? However, my back will tell you otherwise. Ugh! Make it stop! (Only 42 more days til April!)