I can hear it now….

Centanni: What do YOU have for dinner? Wanna trade?” Jack: “not on your life! I love my food!”


We didn’t put this JUST out of his reach on purpose! But this is how Mav told me he wanted that horse hoof trimming!


It poured the entire time we were at the market this weekend. Stops raining as soon as we get home.

Dog days of summer

Mav staying cool in the shade…..

New sneaker

The lawn mower is going in for a new sneaker (tire)!!! yay!!!

Happy at last!!

Centanni gets VERY upset when Jack gets invited to a birthday party without her. She’s so happy to have him back once he gets home.

The best mouse condo

The mice found the best place to live over the winter….under a nice big turned-over water bucket and some nice dried out grass. I guess they’re considered the rich mice in the neighborhood!

It may be time

Anyone who knows me knows how frugal I am so I recycle my clothes into farm clothes until they can no longer perform their function as clothing. After 20 years with this sweatshirt it’s literally disintegrating as I wear it … Continue reading

My sentimental rose bush

My parents had this rose bush in their backyard for years. I just love it because its the only rose bush I’ve ever seen that alternates colors every other year. One year red, the next yellow……

We need less rain!!…temporarily

Farmers are running out of last years stock and they can’t get in the fields to bale this years! ugh…..