Building Muscle!

Now what happens if we add just a little bit (full) of water????

Ahhh….LOVE that smell!

Its not often you hear “I LOVE that smell” on a horse farm! But Robbie loves the smell of Jack’s food. So here he is taking a whiff!

Busy bees

Sometimes nature just amazes me. How amazing that a tiny insect can make such an elaborate home.


Delilah was soooooo happy that I let HER have the grass in the round pen. She won the grass lottery!

Community Day

A nice brisk day at Delaware Twp Community Day. Thanks to all of our wonderful customers who support us at these events. Another great pony season!! Thanks Barb, Jen and the rest of the Owens!!!

Our first Halloween decoration is up!

Ok, so IIIIIIIIIIIIII didn’t have to do ANY work for this, but I’ll take whatever help I can get!

I think he’s ‘addicted’ now!

Robbie had so much fun the other night, he wanted to come back again last night. He doesn’t look scared anymore to me! Good job & thanks for the help Robbie!!

Conquering fear!

Our friend Robbie came for his first visit to the farm. He started out SCARED TO DEATH of the horses. By the end he finally worked up the nerve to get close! Good job Robbie!!! Come back soon!

Delilah’s friends

Tuyet-Mai’s riding lesson. Her little brother now wants in on the action!

60 bales = 1/3

For all you math majors out there…. if you had a truck full of 20 bales of hay and you need a total of 180 bales….x = ? Thanks Jen, Linda, Andy, Meg, Hannah & Brandon!