The “original” Ella came back for a lesson yesterday and we did a quick refresher lesson. She’s getting old enough now to understand fashion. As she puts her arm through the reigns she says, “it like a purse….without the purse!”
The “original” Ella came back for a lesson yesterday and we did a quick refresher lesson. She’s getting old enough now to understand fashion. As she puts her arm through the reigns she says, “it like a purse….without the purse!”
Ella doing her stretches to practice her balance. Good job Ella!!
Cooling down Delilah after Ella’s lesson….
I challenged Ella to post without her stirrups during her last lesson and she SWORE she wouldn’t be able to. When she did, I told her she owed me an ice cream! She delivered! She showed up to her 2nd lesson with a cooler full of fun! Thanks Ella!!
Ella’s back for some more lessons….(look how tall Ella is getting….she’s down another stirrup hole!)
Ella is back for some lessons. She can’t help but love everyone up while she’s grooming Delilah. She doesn’t want to show favorites!