Tag Archives: wildlife
He’s baaaaaackkkkk….
Robbery in progress!!!
Ah HA! Caught ya!
Right smack in the middle of Hurricane Sandy, this little guy made an appearance in my pantry. But the REAL news is that Shawn has actually started taking a page out of MY book and spared this guy’s life to set him free outside (yes, in the middle of a hurricane, but the point IS that he got to live.) So Shawn created a make-shift mouse trap and set him free outside. (Don’t tell Shawn, but he’s probably back inside somewhere by now.) 🙂
Wild Mushrooms
Fun facts about Praying Mantis
I was taking Maverick out and this little girl flew straight into me. We don’t see too many praying mantis but occassionally we do. This is the second one I’ve seen in as many weeks, so I looked it up to find out more info. The most common fun fact about a praying mantis is how she bites off the males head after mating. Well, if you believe what you read online, that’s true. I learned 2 new things about them…they are NOT endangered in North America, and I also learned that the green ones are the girls. The brown ones are the boys.
Bad picture of him, but meet Fival the baby mouse. Maverick found him last night and started to lick him. When I figured out what he was licking I noticed poor Fival’s back legs were paralysed. I put him in a box on the back porch so the cats wouldn’t find him, gave him some food and water, and a warm towel to sleep in. Sadly, he didn’t make it to morning. But I feel good knowing he was warm and comfy in his final hours. Rest in peace baby Fival.